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This search, performed through 582.69 KB (179 documents, 6974 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

MUST Technologies — 13.5%

[...] Web Applications - Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 - Developing ASP.NET 4.5 MVC Web Applications - Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Windows 7 Windows Developer 4 Web Developer 4 Windows Phone Developer Sliverlight Developer 4 Windows Azure Developer Enterprise Application Developer Windows Developer Web Developer ASP.NET Developer 3.5 Windows Developer 3.5 Enterprise Application Developer 3.5 [...]

Understanding user-agent strings — 12.4%

[...] / HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: en-US User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0) Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Host: microsoft.com These headers occur during a negotiation process that helps the browser and the hosting server determine the best way to provide the requested information. The user-agent header identifies the application requesting the information from the server, typically a browser. This identification string is called [...]

Datamatrix (2D-Barcode) — 7.9%

[...] information about Data Matrix code is available in the following United States patents: 4,939,354; 5,053,609; 5,124,536. See US patent Office for full disclosures of these patents. Structure of Data Matrix codes Datamatrix is a two-dimensional symbology in the shape of a rectangle. The size and shape of the symbol is usually chosen either automatically or by the user. Usually it is chosen to be the smallest size that will have enough data capacity to encode the given data. The symbol rectangle is build up by square dots whose size [...]

Mobile META Tags — 6.7%

[...] mobile-optimized. Today’s advanced mobile devices and smartphones are capable of rendering HTML 4 and 5 markup (some with JavaScript and AJAX, too). Still, many mobile web developers prefer to deliver a mobile-optimized web experience to these devices. A lightweight and responsive full-HTML mobile web experience provides the best user experience across a mobile network and on the smartphone browser. Since a smartphone-optimized mobile web document uses the full tag set of HTML, its DOCTYPE is no longer the right criteria to use to decide whether the document is indeed [...]

You must use the Role Management Tool to install or configure Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. — 6.7%

[...] 2008 R2 machine you may get the following error. This is because Windows 2008 R2 ships with the .NET 3.5.1 framework. You just need to enable the feature from Server Manager. So before starting the Visual Studio 2008 Setup install the .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features from the Add Features Wizard in Server Manager. After that when you run the Visual Studio 2008 Setup, the installer will detect that the 3.5 framework is already installed and skip to the next step. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vijaysk/archive/2009/08/16/you-must-use-the-role-management-tool-to-install-or-configure-microsoft-net-framework-3-

TourMap.CreateBoard — 5.6%

[...] Guid("4150F6EA-6C0B-4903-8FF1-58802FCB8CA3"), Name = "점촌1동", Latitude = 36.59860530412107m, Longitude = 128.1978079121821m, Level = 5 }, new DivisionInfo { Id = new Guid("8DEA6154-06ED-469F-B050-07B92B2E6DA9"), Name = "점촌2동", Latitude = 36.59017027640523m, Longitude = 128.19646197084018m, Level = 5 }, new DivisionInfo { Id = new Guid("7B63DD44-1A59-43B2-9F32-AD257DCFC9A8"), Name = "점촌3동", Latitude = 36.602936823122484m, Longitude = 128.20648019617994m, Level = 5 }, new DivisionInfo { Id [...]

SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search — 4.5%

[...] Server 2008 Full-Text Search Architecture. 3 Main Components of Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008. 5 Upgrading your Full-Text Application to SQL Server 2008. 6 Upgrading Existing Full-Text Catalogs from Previous Releases 7 Upgrading Thesaurus Content and Noise Word Lists 10 Understanding the Filter Daemon Process 10 SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search Improvements. 12 New Functionality. 12 Introducing Stoplists 12 Thesaurus Improvements 14 Maintaining Thesaurus Content 14 Thesaurus Algorithm Characteristics 15 New Tools for Troubleshooting SQL Server [...]

6 methods to control what and how your content appears in search engines — 3.4%

[...] attribute rel with the value nofollow to the link: <a href="mypage.html" rel="nofollow" /> 5. Don’t link to pages you want to keep out of search engines Search engines won’t index content unless they know about it. Thus, if no one links to pages nor submits them to a search engine, a search engine won’t find them. At least this is the theory. In reality, the web is so large, one can assume that sooner or later a search engine will find a page – someone will link to it. 6. Use X-Robots-Tag in your http headers In solution 1 above, we noted that use of robots.txt [...]

Extended Channel Interpretations (ECI) Encoding — 3.4%

[...] alphabet No. 3 Yes Yes - 000006 ISO/IEC 8859-4 Latin alphabet No. 4 Yes Yes - 000007 ISO/IEC 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic alphabet Yes Yes - 000008 ISO/IEC 8859-6 Latin/Arabic alphabet Yes Yes - 000009 ISO/IEC 8859-7 Latin/Greek alphabet Yes Yes - 000010 ISO/IEC 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew alphabet Yes Yes - 000011 ISO/IEC 8859-9 Latin alphabet No. 5 Yes Yes - 000012 ISO/IEC 8859-10 Latin alphabet No. 6 Yes Yes - 000013 ISO/IEC 8859-11 Latin/Thai alphabet Yes Yes - 000014 Reserved - - - 000015 ISO/IEC 8859-13 Latin alphabet [...]

HTTP to HTTPS redirect : URL Rewrite in IIS 8 Windows Server 2012 Part 5 : SSL Certificate — 3.4%

HTTP to HTTPS redirect : URL Rewrite in IIS 8 Windows Server 2012 Part 5 : SSL Certificate https://youtu.be/U7USHit5mhY [...]

ASCII — 2.2%

[...] 0000011 ETX 67 0×43 103 1000011 C 4 0×04 004 0000100 EOT 68 0×44 104 1000100 D 5 0×05 005 0000101 ENQ 69 0×45 105 1000101 E 6 0×06 006 0000110 ACK 70 0×46 106 1000110 F 7 0×07 007 0000111 BEL 71 0×47 107 1000111 G 8 0×08 010 0001000 BS 72 0×48 110 1001000 H 9 0×09 011 0001001 HT 73 0×49 111 1001001 I 10 0×0A 012 0001010 LF 74 0×4A 112 1001010 J 11 0×0B 013 0001011 VT 75 0×4B 113 1001011 K 12 0×0C 014 0001100 FF 76 0×4C 114 1001100 L 13 0×0D 015 0001101 CR [...]

Main Page — 2.2%

[...] 2012.02. 29 Shorten URL - MUST eXChange Service - 2011.12.1 Text share - MUST eXChange Service - 2011.5.12 MUST QR code generator Service - 2011.2.18 MWPC - MUST Website Print Converter - 2010.8.3 Web pages print research] - 2010.7.9 MUST Website Mobile Converter] - 2010.7.5 [...]

(관리자) 관리자 공지하기 — 2.2%

[...] 이동합니다. 2. 추가 를 클릭합니다. 3. 웹사이트를 선택 합니다. 4. 위치를 선택 합니다. 위치는 공지사항이 표시될 위치로 4군데 중 하나를 지정 할 수 있습니다. 5. 공지사항이 표시될 기간을 선택합니다. 6. 내용을 입력합니다.(텍스트, 이미지 등) 7. 등록 을 선택합니다. 해당 도메인에서 공지사항 작성하기 1. 대시보드 > 관리 중인 웹사이트 > 동작(편집) 으로 이동합니다. 2. 하단부분 관리자 공지하기 패널 > 추가 를 클릭합니다. 3. 위치를 선택 합니다. 위치는 공지사항이 표시될 위치로 4군데 중 하나를 지정 할 수 있습니다. 4. 공지사항이 표시될 기간을 선택합니다. 5. [...]

스티커 만들기 — 2.2%

[...] 가로 사이즈를 입력해주세요. * 세로 : 스티커 세로 사이즈를 입력해주세요. 3. 등록 을 클릭합니다. 4. 등록된 스티커는 시스템관리자가 승인 후 공개 됩니다. 5. 승인된 스티커는 스티커 스토어 에서 확인 할 수 있습니다. 애니메이션 스티커 만들기 1. 포토샵 등 이미지 편집툴로 PNG 형식의 이미지를 만듭니다. * 한개 애니메이션에 장면의 숫자는 상관없고 오른쪽으로 최대 4개 배치하고 넘을경우 아래로 배치. * 각 장면의 사이즈는 같아야 함. * 여러 개를 각각의 PNG이미지 작업하여 한 세트를 만듭니다. * 한개 세트의 장면 숫자는 같아야 합니다. * 세트를 하나폴더에 두고 압축 파일(zip)로 만듭니다. 애니메이션 스티커 이미지 샘플 - 사이즈 : 가로 150, 세로 150 - 장면의 수 : 8 - 지연시간 (ms) : 180 2. 대시보드 > 스티커 > 스티커 만들기 를 클릭하여 등록합니다. * 이름 : 스티커를 대표는 이름을 기입해주세요 * 설명 : 스티커를 설명하는 문구를 기입 해 주세요. * [...]

MS-SQL LDF파일 축소 — 2.2%

[...] 로그 비우기 backup log 디비명 With TRUNCATE_ONLY DB 정보보기 sp_helpdb 디비명 DBCC SHRINKFILE (test_log, 5) 예) backup log DBNAME With TRUNCATE_ONLY sp_helpdb DBNAME DBCC SHRINKFILE (DBNAME_Log , 5) [...]

Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) — 2.2%

[...] and its first and second derivatives and are shown here: This 2D LoG can be approximated by a 5 by 5 [...]

Decision Tree — 2.2%

[...] classifying the leaf There are no samples left Attribute Selection Measure: Information Gain (ID3/C4.5) Select the attribute with the highest information gain S contains s i tuples of class Ci for i = {1, …, m} information measures info required to classify any arbitrary tuple entropy of attribute A with values {a 1 ,a 2 ,…,a v } information gained by branching on attribute A Attribute Selection by Information Gain Computation Class P: buys_computer = “yes” Class N: buys_computer = “no” I(p, n) = I(9, 5) [...]

[Search Server 2010] Enable Anonymous Access in SharePoint 2010 — 1.1%

[...] on the Default zone. 4. Under Edit Authentication, check Enable anonymous access and click Save. 5. Going back to Web Application Management [...]

How to Setup User Authentication in FTP 7 on IIS 7.0 — 1.1%

How to Setup User Authentication in FTP 7 on IIS 7.0 Article targeting to IIS 7.5 works fine on IIS 8 as well, Make sure you [...]

Dynamic PNG generation — 1.1%

[...] divider="^" background="background.png" antialias="AntiAlias" contrast="12"> <span margin="5,1,0,1" font="YDI2002.ttf" style="bold" size="14" [...]

앨범 사진 순서 변경 하기 — 1.1%

[...] 3. 왼쪽 출력순서 와 같이 고고페이지에서 사진이 출력 됩니다. 4. 순위정렬 의 위,아래 아이콘 이미지를 클릭하여 사진을 이동 합니다. 5. 저장 및 다음 버튼을 눌러 순서 변경을 완료 합니다. 6. 고고페이지로 [...]

MWSF v1.0 — 1.1%

[...] Text shape image can automatic generation only type text 4. BB Rss feed Automatic generation 5. no Iframe of 고시공고,국정브리핑 인터넷뉴스 like outer [...]

RSS — 1.1%

[...] gained widespread use, and the ("Feed-icon.svg") icon was decided upon by several major Web browsers. 5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS

고고피알 사용자 메뉴얼 — 1.1%

[...] 회원가입 1. 고고피알 https://gogopr.net 메뉴 상단바에 아이콘을 클릭합니다. 2. 가입약관 동의 3. 휴대폰 인증 4. 기본정보 입력 5. 회원가입 완료 회원가입은 1인이 여러개의 아이디를 가입 하실 수 있습니다. [...]

Wavelet Coding — 1.1%

[...] Wavelet transform filter taps and zeroed coefficients when truncation the transform in Image below 1.5 Decomposition level Selection Decomposition [...]

MSSQL 2005, 2008 에서 로그파일(LDF) 파일 없이 MDF 파일 복원하기 — 1.1%

[...] location and same file size. 3. Stop SQL server. 4. Swap mdf file of just created DB to your save one. 5. Start SQL. DB will go suspect. 6. ALTER [...]

When view, static image map size change — 1.1%

[...] sb.AppendFormat("<img src=\"/assets/daum/static/?center={0},{1}&amp;size=700x300&amp;level=5&amp;type=hybrid&amp;marker=true\" [...]

mQR setting option — 1.1%

[...] radius 'cause we limit radius by 1/3 of module width so if module width is 6 px and max radius is 5 px, then 6 * 1/3 = 2px radius will be used. [...]

Clear OneDrive Pro Cache — 1.1%

[...] the content. You will find that this is all related to groove, and spw equals SharePoint Workspace. 5. Go to "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\OfficeFileCache" [...]

[Search Server 2010 Parameters] Enterprise Search URL Syntax Reference — 1.1%

[...] multiple queries, you can specify which query the parameter applies to by appending a number from 1 to 5, indicating the Search Query Results ID, between [...]

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