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This search, performed through 582.69 KB (179 documents, 6974 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 20 results.

Mime Types — 28.2%

[...] proper format is indicated below file type MIME type ai application/postscript aif audio/x-aiff aifc audio/x-aiff aiff audio/x-aiff asc text/plain atom application/atom+xml au audio/basic avi video/x-msvideo bcpio application/x-bcpio bin application/octet-stream bmp image/bmp cdf application/x-netcdf cgm image/cgm class application/octet-stream cpio application/x-cpio cpt [...]

Frequency Domain Filtering — 16.5%

Ideal Lowpass Filter Code for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { int y = i - hh; for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int x = j - hw; int d = (int)System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); // filter values outside the range if ((d > d0)) { data[i, j].Re = 0; data[i, j].Im = 0; } } } Butterworth Lowpass Filter Code for (int [...]

Datamatrix (2D-Barcode) — 12.2%

[...] been highlighted. Even though it is primarily designed to handle the the Western alphabet (ISO-8859/x code tables) it will support user prepared Unicode characters through the use of the "Extended Channel Interpretation" (ECI) mechanism. However description of the ECI standard is out of scope for this manual and the interested reader are referred to the official ECI standard document. Datamatrix standard has been adopted by (among others) "The American National Standards Institute" (ANSI) as a standard symbology and a number of industry standard associations (e.g. EIA, [...]

Image Restoration and Reconstruction — 11.0%

[...] (byte*)outputData.Scan0.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { int x = i % width; int y = i / width; if (x >= rm && y >= rn && x < width - rm && y < height - rn) { int sum = 0; for (int tx = -rm; tx <= rm; tx++) for (int ty = -rn; ty <= rn; ty++) { sum += inputPtr[i + tx + ty * width]; } outputPtr[i] [...]

Fourier Transform Properties — 9.4%

[...] transform ■ created image : 512×512 image ■ created image : 1024×1024 image Code for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { minMagnitude [...]

6 methods to control what and how your content appears in search engines — 4.7%

[...] can assume that sooner or later a search engine will find a page – someone will link to it. 6. Use X-Robots-Tag in your http headers In solution 1 above, we noted that use of robots.txt explicitly exposes some of your site’s structure, something you may want to avoid. Unfortunately, solution 2, use of meta tags, only works for html documents – there’s no way to specify indexing instructions for PDF, odt, doc and other non-html files. In July 2007, Google officially introduced a solution to this problem: the ability to deliver indexing instructions in the http [...]

What is Digital Image Processing? — 3.5%

[...] Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Prentice Hall What is Digital Image Processing? Image (영상) - 2차원 함수 f(x,y)로 정의 - x, y: 평면 좌표 - f: (x,y)점의 intensity, gray level Digital image - x, y, f가 finite, discrete quantity - 유한 개의 위치와 값을 가짐 - Picture element, image element, pel, pixel Digital image processing - Digital computer에 의한 digital image의 처리 인간의 시각 - 인식에서 가장 중요한 역할 - [...]

Sobel operator — 2.4%

[...] for ( int j = 1; j // loop for image pixels width { float new_x = 0, new_y = 0; float c; for [...]

hasLayout — 2.0%

[...] did not apply in prior versions, unless “layout” was added to the box by other triggers. overflow-x|-y: hidden|scroll|auto As part of the CSS3 box model module, overflow-x and -y are not widely implemented yet. They did not trigger hasLayout in prior versions of IE. And new hasLayout actors appeared on the screen in IE7. As far as hasLayout is concerned, the min/max properties act similar to how width and height works, and the effects of fixed and absolute positioning seem to [...]

Fuzzy set approaches — 1.6%

[...] predicted category are summed Introduce 컴퓨터를 인간에 가깝게 하는 일의 어려움 - 퍼지 이론: 애매함을 처리하는 수리 이론 Fuzzy logic “X”가 “A”라는 집합 A(X)에 속하는 정도를 0과 1 사이의 숫자로 표현 예) μ A (X)=0.7 Crisp logic - 전체 집합 X를 두 개의 Group, 즉 부분집합 A⊆X에 속하고 있는 요소와 속하고 있지 않는 요소에 이분하는 특성함수(characteristics function)에 의해 정의된다 Principles of Fuzzy Set Theory 정의 1. 소속함수 전체 집합 Z의 부분집합 A에 대한 소속함수 μ A (z)는 X로부터 폐구간 [ 0, 1 ]의 한 사상(Mapping) μ A : Z → [ 0, 1 ] 으로서, z가 A에 소속된 정도가 0 ≤μA(z) ≤1 값을 나타낸다. 이 때, z가 A에 완전히 소속된 경우 μA(z) = 1 (full membership)로 하고, 소속되지 않은 [...]

ASCII — 1.6%

[...] 027 0010111 ETB 87 0×57 127 1010111 W 24 0×18 030 0011000 CAN 88 0×58 130 1011000 X 25 0×19 031 0011001 EM 89 0×59 131 1011001 Y 26 0×1A 032 0011010 SUB 90 0×5A 132 1011010 Z 27 0×1B 033 0011011 ESC 91 0×5B 133 1011011 [ 28 0×1C 034 0011100 FS 92 0×5C 134 1011100 29 0×1D 035 0011101 GS 93 0×5D 135 1011101 ] 30 0×1E 036 0011110 RS 94 0×5E 136 1011110 ^ 31 0×1F 037 0011111 US 95 0×5F 137 1011111 _ 32 0×20 040 0100000 SP 96 0×60 140 [...]

naver map, daum map path find — 1.6%

[...] true); }); </script> </asp:Content> Public Properties Naver map <%=Html.NMap.RouteLink(x,y,name,zoom)%> [...]

Image Compression Model — 1.6%

Image Compression Model Codec Still image: f(

Neural Networks — 0.8%

[...] produce these outputs using the perceptron learning rule A Neuron The n-dimensional input vector x is mapped into variable y [...]

Transverse Mercator on the ellipsoid (TME) — 0.8%

[...] transformation from the NME(Normal Mercator on the ellipsoid) projection. Direct The direct series for x and y [...]

Extended Channel Interpretations (ECI) Encoding — 0.8%

[...] 000018 ISO/IEC 8859-16 Latin alphabet No. 10 - Yes - 000019 Reserved - - - 000020 Shift JIS (JIS X 0208 Annex 1 + JIS X [...]

Web API 액세스 토큰 — 0.4%

[...] 2. 적절한 매개 변수를 사용하여 Uri를 호출하십시오. /auth/token Request Header Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded Request Body client_id [...]

Registering ASP.NET on IIS after installing the .NET Framework — 0.4%

[...] you. The utility is aspnet_regiis.exe, it is located under %WindowsDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vx.y.zzzz\ and you should call it with the -i parameter: [...]

[PHP] 서명(signature) 생성 샘플코드 — 0.4%

[...] 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff); $text = date('Y.m.d H:i:s'); $query = 't='.urlencode($text).'&r=10&j=1&m=20&lb=fccd13&lt=ed1e2e&rt=155ca2'; $sig [...]

QR Code — 0.4%

[...] an RS-232C-interface may use a scanner to acquire the data. The Japanese standard for QR Codes, JIS X 5010, was released in January of 1999, and [...]

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