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This search, performed through 582.69 KB (179 documents, 6974 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

μSearch Search help — 11.3%

[...] comes to mind in the search box, hit Enter or click the Search button, and Google will search the web for content that's relevant to your search. Most of the time, you'll find exactly what you're looking for with just a basic query (the word or phrase you search for). However, the following tips can help you make the most of your searches. Throughout the article, we'll use square brackets [ ] to signal a search query, so [ black and white ] is one query, while [ black ] and [ white ] are two separate queries. [...]

6 methods to control what and how your content appears in search engines — 6.7%

[...] matching Some search engines support extensions to the original robots.txt specification which allow for URL pattern matching. Pattern Character Description Example Search Engine Support * matches a sequence of characters User-Agent: * Disallow: /print*/ G o o g l e , Yahoo , Bing $ matches the end of a URL User-Agent: * Disallow: /*.pdf$ G o o g l e , Yahoo , Bing References: Google , Yahoo! , Bing (Sad note: Microsoft Bing’s help system is awful – they don’t allow direct linking to a topic section). At the time of this writing, [...]

Understanding user-agent strings — 5.8%

[...] operating system and version. The web server can use this information to provide content that is tailored for your specific browser. Because certain non-Microsoft sites add details to the user-agent string, it's important to understand the user-agent string. Here we'll explain the user-agent string, list the values from recent Internet Explorer versions, and document registry keys that modify the user-agent string. Understanding the user-agent string When you request a webpage, your browser sends a number of headers to the server hosting the site that you're visiting, [...]

Mobile META Tags — 4.9%

Mobile META tags can be used in XHTML-MP and HTML markup to tag the document as optimized for mobile devices. Mobile search engines, mobile browsers and even desktop web browsers look for mobile META tags to identify and render mobile-optimized markup. Mainstream mobile web content is identified using the markup document’s DOCTYPE or document type declaration. If the DOCTYPE declares the document as XHTML-MP or WML, then by definition, the content is mobile-optimized. Today’s advanced mobile devices and smartphones are capable of rendering [...]

Sobel operator — 4.3%

[...] kernels which are convolved with the original image to calculate approximations of the derivatives - one for vertical changes, and one for horizontal Image source wikipedia Here Gx and Gy are the two kernels and A is the original image. At each point in the image, the resulting gradient approximations can be combined to give the gradient magnitude, using: Image source :wikipedia [...]

Frequency Domain Filtering — 4.3%

Ideal Lowpass Filter Code for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { int y = i - hh; for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int x = j - hw; int d = (int)System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); // filter values outside the range if ((d > d0)) { data[i, j].Re = 0; data[i, j].Im = 0; } } } Butterworth Lowpass Filter Code for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { int y = i - hh; for [...]

Datamatrix (2D-Barcode) — 4.3%

[...] current and recommended schema. By default the library will use the newer schema but support also exists for legacy applications to use the older ECC schema. The image shows an annotated Datamatrix where the finder and synchronization patterns have been highlighted. Even though it is primarily designed to handle the the Western alphabet (ISO-8859/x code tables) it will support user prepared Unicode characters through the use of the "Extended Channel Interpretation" (ECI) mechanism. However description of the ECI standard is out of scope for [...]

Image Restoration and Reconstruction — 3.7%

[...] (byte*)inputData.Scan0.ToPointer(); byte* outputPtr = (byte*)outputData.Scan0.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { int x = i % width; int y = i / width; if (x >= rm && y >= rn && x < width - rm && y < height - rn) { int sum = 0; for (int tx = -rm; tx <= rm; tx++) for (int ty = -rn; ty <= rn; ty++) { sum += inputPtr[i + tx + ty * width]; } outputPtr[i] [...]

Image Retrieval Based on Shape — 2.8%

Due to the tremendous increase of multimedia data in digital form, there is an urgent need for efficient and accurate location of multimedia information. For multimedia information to be located, it first needs to be effectively indexed or described to facilitate query or retrieval. At the moment, effective techniques exist for textual information indexing and retrieval. However, effective techniques for audio/visual information indexing and retrieval do not exist. Traditional index [...]

Location-aware system from Ubiquitous Sensor Networks — 2.5%

[...] sensors into physical spaces such as buildings, roads, clothes and human body. I-Search is researched for measuring distance and developing its algorism using RSSI in existing Cell ID method while LBS method was being researched. We developed Sensor Network equipment of 2.4GHz bandwidth for the experiment. This equipment is a platform providing capability of location recognition without changing existing environment using characteristics less affected by installation environments which is an important feature of USN. This research has its [...]

Decision Tree — 2.5%

Training Dataset This follows an example from Quinlan’s ID3 Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction Basic algorithm (a greedy algorithm) Tree is constructed in a top-down recursive divide-and-conquer manner At start, all the training examples are at the root Attributes are categorical (if continuous-valued, they are discretized in advance) Examples are partitioned recursively based on selected attributes Test attributes are selected on the basis of a heuristic or statistical measure (e.g., information gain) Conditions for stopping [...]

RAW file and BMP file — 2.5%

[...] 빨강색 BYTE rgbReserved; // 예약된 변수 } RGBQUAD; RGBQUAD hRGB[256]; 이미지 반전 거꾸로 저장된 이미지를 반전시켜 저장 for (i=0; i<biHeight; i++) { for (j=0; j<biWidth; j++) { GrayImg[i*biWidth+j] = lpMem[(biHeight-i-1)*rwsize+j]; } } 가로 줄의 길이는 항상 4Byte의 배수가 되어야 함 #define WIDTHBYTES(bits) (((bits)+31)/32*4) // 4Byte 배수로 변환 rwsize = WIDTHBYTES(biBitCount*biWidth); // 호출시 흑백 BMP 영상 입출력 프로그램 #include <stdio.h> #include <window.h> #define WIDTHBYTES(bits) [...]

Web Accessbility document — 2.1%

[...] Brewer, ed. www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web ■ “Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization,” S.L. Henry, ed. www.w3.org/WAI/bcase ■ “Improving the Accessibility of Your Web Site,” S.L. Henry, ed. www.w3.org/WAI/impl/improving (“Prioritizing the Repairs” section at www.w3.org/WAI/impl/improving#prior) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) documents ■ “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview,” S.L. Henry, ed. www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag ■ “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0,” W. Chisholm, G. Vanderheiden, [...]

CSS valid method — 1.8%

Valid IE6/IE7 CSS selectors selector { *property : value; // for IE6, IE7 _property : value; // for IE6 } change this style // for IE6 * html selector { property : value; } // for IE7 *+html selector { property : value; } Triggering hasLayout (hasLayout=1) (if display: inline-block; then hasLayout=1) selector { display: inline-block; *display: inline; *zoom: [...]

QR Code — 1.5%

[...] and are currently the most popular type of two dimensional code in Japan. Although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR Codes are now used for inventory management in a wide variety of industries. More recently, the inclusion of QR Code reading software on camera phones in Japan has led to a wide variety of new, consumer-oriented applications, aimed at relieving the user of the tedious task of entering data into their mobile phone. QR Codes storing addresses and URLs are becoming increasingly common in magazines [...]

Fuzzy set approaches — 1.5%

[...] e.g., income is mapped into the discrete categories {low, medium, high} with fuzzy values calculated For a given new sample, more than one fuzzy value may apply Each applicable rule contributes a vote for membership in the categories Typically, the truth values for each predicted category are summed Introduce 컴퓨터를 인간에 가깝게 하는 일의 어려움 - 퍼지 이론: 애매함을 처리하는 수리 이론 Fuzzy logic “X”가 “A”라는 집합 A(X)에 속하는 정도를 0과 1 사이의 숫자로 표현 예) μ A (X)=0.7 Crisp logic - 전체 집합 X를 두 개의 Group, 즉 부분집합 A⊆X에 속하고 있는 요소와 속하고 있지 않는 요소에 이분하는 [...]

Html.RenderControl — 1.5%

Description Html.RenderControl good for pages' splitting up or anything you want to separate like include in asp Bonghwa tour -> main page - but it is used inside MainWidgets.cs main-page - also used inside MainWidgets.cs if you check http://ycg.kr/open.content/ko/administrative/policy/ you can see inside default.aspx such things <%:Html.RenderControl("test.ascx")%> inside test.ascx you put html and init function http://ycg.kr/open.content/ko/weather.ascx for example like include in asp but [...]

Menu Control fro Mobile — 1.5%

[...] menu.config Class: HtmlSubPage.cs Subclasses: Extends: Config Options In menu.config * hide-for-mobile = "true/false" You can write "true" or "false" at option If true or blank, you can see the menu in mobile Though the menu not appear, you can see the content when direct access url HtmlSubPage.cs Added below at CreateMobileMenu() part if (kr.or.must.mwsf.Settings.IsMobileDevice()) if (sideSubMenu.Attributes.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "hide-for-mobile" && kvp.Value == "true")) continue; [...]

Fourier Transform Properties — 1.5%

[...] spectrum image of rotated Fourier Transform Properties – Periodicity Periodicity and implied symmetry for the Fourier transform. (a) Implied symmetry with origin in upper-left corner. Each NxN block represented all the transform coefficients, and is repeated infinitely in all directions. (b) Increasing frequency in direction of arrows. (c) Periodic spectrum, with quadrants labeled A, B, C, and D. (d) Spectrum shifted to center. Frequency increases in all directions as we move away from the Directing mapping of Fourier magnitude data. (a) Original image. (b) The Fourier [...]

Reducing SQL Server Index Fragmentation — 1.2%

[...] then decide, make 2nd step or not DECLARE @TableName sysname DECLARE cur_showfragmentation CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'base table' OPEN cur_showfragmentation FETCH NEXT FROM cur_showfragmentation INTO @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT 'Show fragmentation for the ' + @TableName + ' table' SET @TableName = '[' + @TableName + ']' DBCC SHOWCONTIG (@TableName) FETCH NEXT FROM cur_showfragmentation INTO @TableName END CLOSE cur_showfragmentation DEALLOCATE cur_showfragmentation [...]

Convert Resolution Setting — 1.2%

[...] there is also audio stream so be sure not to delete audio stream if you have already converted video for iphone you have to edit 2 files: .ism .m3u8 in .ism file you need to delete <video src=...> tag for each stream in .m3u8 you need to delete 2 lines for each stream if you changed smooth.streaming.xml, new video is no need to change .ism, .m3u8 file iOS Most Apple devices can play media encoded at bit rates up to 1,600 Kbps. if streams start [...]

Web standards — 1.2%

Web standards is a general term for the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web. In recent years, the term has been more frequently associated with the trend of endorsing a set of standardized best practices for building web sites, and a philosophy of web design and development that includes those methods. 1 Many interdependent standards and specifications, some of which govern aspects of the Internet, not just the World Wide Web, directly or indirectly affect the development [...]

What is WURFL? — 1.2%

[...] that access WAP pages so that developers will be able to build better applications and better services for the users. http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/ WURFL stands for Wireless Universal Resource FiLe. It is part of a FOSS (which stands for Free and Open Source Software) community effort focused on the problem of presenting content on the wide variety of wireless devices. The WURFL itself [...]

Neural Networks — 1.2%

[...] Biological Systems (Indeed a great example of a good learning system) Massive Parallelism allowing for computational efficiency The first learning algorithm came in 1959 (Rosenblatt) who suggested that if a target output value is provided for a single neuron with fixed inputs, one can incrementally change weights to learn to produce these outputs using the perceptron learning rule A Neuron The n-dimensional input vector x is mapped into variable y by means of the scalar product and a nonlinear function mapping For [...]

Markup method of Text,PC,Mobile — 0.9%

[...] pages viewed in text-mode rather designer/js programmer has to decide what kind of functionality it is for example, you provide alternative content to flash like flash is only for PC if not declaration, it'll [...]

Transverse Mercator on the ellipsoid (TME) — 0.9%

[...] transformation from the NME(Normal Mercator on the ellipsoid) projection. Direct The direct series for x and y Inverse The inverse series for and where Condition 1. where the coefficients are given [...]

Moblie CSS — 0.9%

[...] kr.or.must.mwsf.Settings.IsMobileDevice = () => RenderMode.Mobile; Public Methods You can add CSS for mobile each CSS folder finename.css, common.css => for pc finename.mobile.css, [...]

mQR setting option — 0.9%

[...] Color.FromArgb(0xRRGGBB); Color.FromArgb(0xff5fef); Or Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x5f, 0xef); you can set 2 options for size 1. maximum qr code width : for example, you set maximum qr code [...]

SQL 인젝션 — 0.9%

텍스트 제외 쿼리 DECLARE @T varchar(255), @C varchar(255); DECLARE Table_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT a.name, b.name FROM sysobjects a, syscolumns b WHERE a.id = b.id AND a.xtype = 'u' AND (b.xtype = 99 OR b.xtype = 35 OR b.xtype = 231 OR b.xtype = 167); OPEN Table_Cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T, @C; WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN EXEC( 'Update ['+@T+'] set ['+@C+']=replace(['+@C+'], '' '', '''')where ['+@C+'] like ''% ''' ); FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T, @C; END; CLOSE Table_Cursor; DEALLOCATE Table_Cursor; 텍스트 포함 쿼리 - 테이블명과 칼럼명을 수동으로 집어너야됨 <nowiki>Declare [...]

Crawler html help syntax for μSearch - class noindex — 0.9%

[...] <ul> ... </ul> </div> Html markup method when already have class don't index for example you already have <div class="some-class"> [...]

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