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This search, performed through 582.69 KB (179 documents, 6974 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 17 results.

Datamatrix (2D-Barcode) — 17.5%

[...] Numeric capacity Alphanumeric capacity Binary capacity Max Correctable Error/Erasure 10 x 10 6 3 1 2 12 x 12 10 6 3 3 14 x 14 16 10 6 5/7 16 x 16 24 16 10 6/9 18 x 18 36 25 16 7/11 20 x 20 44 31 20 9/15 22 x 22 60 43 28 10/17 24 x 24 72 52 34 12/21 26 x 26 88 64 42 14/25 32 x 32 124 91 60 18/33 [...]

[ASP.NET] 서명(signature) 생성 샘플코드 — 10.0%

[...] Namespace="System.Security.Cryptography" %> <img src="http://mqr.kr/qr/?t=HelloWorld&amp;r=10&amp;sign=<%=CalculateSign("t=HelloWorld&r=10", "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff")%>"/> <script runat="server"> string CalculateSign(string text, string key) { byte[] keyBytes = new byte[key.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < keyBytes.Length; i++) keyBytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(key.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16); byte[] textBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); byte[] [...]

[PHP] 서명(signature) 생성 샘플코드 — 10.0%

[...] 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff); $sig = hash_hmac('sha256', "t=HelloWorld&r=10", $key); echo '<img src="http://mqr.kr/qr/?t=HelloWorld&amp;r=10&amp;sign='.$sig.'"/>'; ?> 예제2 현재 날짜 / 시간으로 QR 코드를 생성을위한 PHP 코드 샘플 <?php $key = pack('c*', 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff); $text = date('Y.m.d H:i:s'); $query = 't='.urlencode($text).'&r=10&j=1&m=20&lb=fccd13&lt=ed1e2e&rt=155ca2'; $sig [...]

Understanding user-agent strings — 7.5%

[...] lists the version tokens used in recent versions of Internet Explorer. Version token Description MSIE 10.0 Internet Explorer 10 MSIE 9.0 Internet Explorer 9 MSIE 8.0 Internet Explorer 8 or IE8 Compatibility View/Browser Mode MSIE 7.0 Windows Internet Explorer 7 or IE7 Compatibility View/Browser Mode MSIE 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Platform Tokens Platform tokens describe your operating system. The following table lists Internet Explorer platform tokens for the last several versions of Windows. Platform token Description [...]

ASCII — 5.0%

[...] 010 0001000 BS 72 0×48 110 1001000 H 9 0×09 011 0001001 HT 73 0×49 111 1001001 I 10 0×0A 012 0001010 LF 74 0×4A 112 1001010 J 11 0×0B 013 0001011 VT 75 0×4B 113 1001011 K 12 0×0C 014 0001100 FF 76 0×4C 114 1001100 L 13 0×0D 015 0001101 CR 77 0×4D 115 1001101 M 14 0×0E 016 0001110 SO 78 0×4E 116 1001110 N 15 0×0F 017 0001111 SI 79 0×4F 117 1001111 O 16 0×10 [...]

Extended Channel Interpretations (ECI) Encoding — 5.0%

[...] alphabet Yes Yes - 000011 ISO/IEC 8859-9 Latin alphabet No. 5 Yes Yes - 000012 ISO/IEC 8859-10 Latin alphabet No. 6 Yes Yes - 000013 ISO/IEC 8859-11 Latin/Thai alphabet Yes Yes - 000014 Reserved - - - 000015 ISO/IEC 8859-13 Latin alphabet No. 7 (Baltic Rim) Yes Yes - 000016 ISO/IEC 8859-14 Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic) Yes Yes - 000017 ISO/IEC 8859-15 Latin alphabet No. 9 Yes Yes - 000018 ISO/IEC 8859-16 Latin alphabet No. 10 [...]

naver map, daum map path find — 5.0%

[...] http://www.must.or.kr/ko/must/getway/ 네이버 지도 길찾기 <%=Html.NMap.RouteLink(35.8238642m,128.755924m, "머스트 찾아오기", 10)%> 다음 지도 길찾기 <%=Html.DMap.RouteLink(896776, 649878, "머스트 찾아오기", 10)%> [...]

서버 클러스터 — 5.0%

서버 클러스터 개념 http://technet.microsoft.com/ko-kr/library/cc779209(WS.10).aspx 검사 목록: 서버 클러스터 만들기 http://technet.microsoft.com/ko-kr/library/cc757729(WS.10).aspx [...]

6 methods to control what and how your content appears in search engines — 5.0%

[...] robot exclusion protocol value crawl-delay . Yahoo cites a delay value in the form x.x where 5 or 10 is “high”. While Yahoo doesn’t specify the delay units, Microsoft uses seconds . {{ User-agent: Slurp Crawl-delay: 0.5 User-agent: msnbot Crawl-delay: 4 }}{{}} Google does not support Crawl-delay nor will bots which are imposters. For Google, there is a setting which can be changed in Google’s Webmaster Tools for a site. Now that you know you can set a crawl delay, you probably shouldn’t. Search engine [...]

Mobile META Tags — 5.0%

[...] user’s maximum limit for scaling or zooming a Web page. Values are numeric and can range from 0.25 to 10.0. The value of this directives is a scaling factor or multiplier applied to the viewport contents. minimum-scale minimum-scale=0.5 Sets the user’s minimum limit for scaling or zooming a Web page. Values are numeric and can range from 0.25 to 10.0. [...]

SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search — 5.0%

[...] Existing Full-Text Catalogs from Previous Releases 7 Upgrading Thesaurus Content and Noise Word Lists 10 Understanding the Filter Daemon Process 10 [...]

Html.Table — 5.0%

[...] }, new[] { "미정", "교육", "15", "미정", "비고" }, new[] { "10. 15(금)<br />(14:00~18:00)", "1차 보충교육", "기본교육<br />불 참 자", "장소", null }, new[] { "11. 17(수)<br />(14:00~18:00)", "2차 보충교육", "1차보충<br />불 참 자", "장소<br />세미나실", null } }) %> Result 교육일시 교육대상(지역, 직장) 인원 장소 비고 계 665 3. 15(월) (13:00~17:00) 3~4년차 - 장소) 170 대회의실 시 내 교육 참여 3. 16(화) (14:00~18:00) 1~2 년차 - 장소 204 소회의실 4. 13(화) (14:00~18:00) 1~4 년차 - 장소 106 회의실 4. 15(목) (14:00~18:00) [...]

SQL 인젝션 — 5.0%

[...] Table_Cursor; DEALLOCATE Table_Cursor; 텍스트 포함 쿼리 - 테이블명과 칼럼명을 수동으로 집어너야됨 <nowiki>Declare @replacestr varchar(10) Declare @deletestr varchar(100) Declare @ptr varbinary(16) Declare @len int Declare @offset int Declare @cnt int Set @deletestr = 'http://dev-server:10001' Set @replacestr = '' Select @ptr = textptr(p_contents) From tb_product_list Where p_code='P000000005' Set @len = len(@deletestr) Set @cnt = 0 While(1=1) begin --일단 무한 loop로 돌려놓고 Select @offset=patindex('%'+@deletestr+'%', p_contents) From tb_product_list Where p_code='P000000005' [...]

MSSQL 2005, 2008 에서 로그파일(LDF) 파일 없이 MDF 파일 복원하기 — 2.5%


Web standards — 2.5%

[...] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax (XML) "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0.", T. Bray, J. Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, eds., 10 February 1998. XML 1.0 권고안: http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210 [...]

mQR setting option — 2.5%

[...] you set maximum qr code width = 140 px 2. maximum block width : for example, maximum block width = 10 px Public Properties DiagonalJoinStyle [...]

List default position change — 2.5%

[...] var defaultLat = 36.58640835390636; var defaultLon = 128.18697803627364; var defaultLevel = 10; Public Properties public properties [...]

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