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This search, performed through 582.69 KB (179 documents, 6974 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Image Restoration and Reconstruction — 11.8%

[...] PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) throw new NotSupportedException(); Bitmap output = (Bitmap)input.Clone(); int rm = M / 2; int rn = N / 2; int width = output.Width; int height = output.Height; int mn = M * N; BitmapData inputData = input.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); BitmapData outputData = output.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); unsafe { byte* inputPtr = (byte*)inputData.Scan0.ToPointer(); byte* [...]

[ASP.NET] 서명(signature) 생성 샘플코드 — 6.6%

[...] CalculateSign(string text, string key) { byte[] keyBytes = new byte[key.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < keyBytes.Length; i++) keyBytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(key.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16); byte[] textBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); byte[] sign; using (HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(keyBytes)) sign = hmac.ComputeHash(textBytes); return string.Join(string.Empty, sign.Select(b => b.ToString("x2"))); } </script> 예제2 현재 [...]

Datamatrix (2D-Barcode) — 4.4%

Principle of Datamatrix Barcodes Datamatrix (or Data Matrix) is a high density 2 dimensional barcode that can encode up to 3116 characters from the entire 256 byte ASCII character set. Compared with DF417 barcode symbology the datamatrix barcode belongs to newer family of 2 dimensional barcodes that makes better use of both dimensions and thus can achieve higher data capacity than the PDF417 symbology (~3kB vs ~2kB). The symbol is built on a square grid which have a finder pattern around the edges of the symbol to allow a scanner to identify [...]

Fuzzy set approaches — 4.4%

[...] (full membership)로 하고, 소속되지 않은 경우 μ A (z) = 0 (no membership)으로 하며, z가 A에 소속된 정도가 부분적일 때 0 A (z) 정의 2. 퍼지집합 Z가 속한 임의의 원소 각각에 대해 어떤 특정한 성질을 갖는 정도를 나타내는 소속함수 μ A (z), 즉 μ A : Z → [0, 1]가 정의된다고 하자. 이 경우, 순서쌍의 집합 A = {(z, μ A (x))|z∈ Z } 를 소속함수 μ A (z)를 갖는 fuzzy set 이라고 한다. Operation Empty : Membership function is identically zero in Z Equality: Two fuzzy set A, B are equal (μ A (z) = μ B (z) for al z ∈ Z ) Subset : A fuzzy set A is subset of a fuzzy set B (μ A (z) ≤ μ B (z)) Complement, Union, Intersection Using Fuzzy Sets R1 : IF the color is green [...]

Web Accessbility document — 3.7%

[...] 1.0,” W. Chisholm, G. Vanderheiden, I. Jacobs, eds. www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10 ■ “Overview of WCAG 2.0 Documents , ” S.L. Henry, ed. www.w3.org/WAI/intro/ wcag20.php ■ “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0,” B. Caldwell, W. Chisholm, J. Slatin, G. Vanderheiden, eds. www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20 ■ “Understanding WCAG 2.0,” B. Caldwell, W. Chisholm, J. Slatin, G. Vanderheiden,eds. www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20 ■ “About Baselines and WCAG 2.0,” D. MacDonald, J. Slatin, [...]

RAW file and BMP file — 3.7%

[...] map RAW파일과 BMP파일의 비교 BMP 장치 독립성 1. DDB(device dependant bitmap) 한 픽셀이 몇 비트로 표현될 것인지가 화면설정에 종속 2. DIB(device independant bitmap) 화면설정과는 관계없이 영상파일 자체의 정보로써 표현 Color 표현 1. True color mode : RGB 각각 8비트 2. Index mode :Color table(palette) 사용 3. 흑백영상 BMP format 파일 헤드의 구조체 Typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { WORD bfType; // ”BM”이라는 값을 저장 DWORD bfSize; // Byte단위의 전체파일 크기 WORD bfReserved1; // 예약된 변수 WORD bfReserved1; // 예약된 변수 DWORD bfOffBits; // 영상 데이터까지의 거리 } BITMAPFILEHEADER; 영상 헤드의 구조체 Typedef [...]

Extended Channel Interpretations (ECI) Encoding — 2.9%

[...] with ECI rules - - - 000003 ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin alphabet No. 1 Yes Yes - 000004 ISO/IEC 8859-2 Latin alphabet No. 2 Yes Yes - 000005 ISO/IEC 8859-3 Latin alphabet No. 3 Yes Yes - 000006 ISO/IEC 8859-4 Latin alphabet No. 4 Yes Yes - 000007 ISO/IEC 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic alphabet Yes Yes - 000008 ISO/IEC 8859-6 Latin/Arabic alphabet Yes Yes - 000009 ISO/IEC 8859-7 Latin/Greek alphabet Yes Yes - 000010 ISO/IEC 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew alphabet Yes Yes - 000011 ISO/IEC 8859-9 Latin alphabet No. 5 Yes Yes - 000012 [...]

MUST Technologies — 2.9%

[...] Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Forms Applications .Net Framework 2.0, Distributed Applications .Net Framework 2.0, Windows [...]

Understanding user-agent strings — 2.9%

[...] Platform provides the following user-agent header when requesting RSS data. Windows-RSS-Platform/2.0 (MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1) Like the user-agent string for Internet Explorer, this user-agent header provides details about your system. Alternate tokens can appear in the user-agent string for a number of reasons; usually, they identify optional features installed on your system. For example, an SV1 token appears in the user-agent string of a Windows XP user who has installed Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). It's also important to note [...]

Frequency Domain Filtering — 2.9%

[...] hw; double d = System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); double h = 1.0 / (1.0 + System.Math.Pow(d / d0, 2.0 * n)); data[i, j].Re *= h; data[i, j].Im *= h; } } Gaussian Lowpass Filter Code for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { int y = i - hh; for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int x = j - hw; double d = System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); double h = System.Math.Exp(-d * d / 2.0 / d0 / d0); data[i, j].Re *= h; data[i, j].Im [...]

Web standards — 2.9%

[...] sense, consist of the following: * Recommendations published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 2 * Internet standard (STD) documents published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) * Request for Comments (RFC) documents published by the Internet Engineering Task Force 3 * Standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 4 * Standards published by Ecma International (formerly ECMA) 5 * The Unicode Standard and various Unicode Technical Reports (UTRs) published by the Unicode Consortium 6 * Name and number registries [...]

Sobel operator — 2.9%

[...] Image apply(Image im) { int [,] gx = new int [,] { { -1, 0, 1 }, { -2, 0, 2 }, { -1, 0, 1 } }; // The matrix Gx int [,] [...]

(관리자) 내 웹사이트에 테마 적용하기 — 2.2%

[...] 수 있습니다. Step 1. 테마 구매하기 1. 인플라이 메뉴 더보기 > 테마 스토어 ( https://inply.net/Home/ThemeStore )를 클릭 합니다. 2. 마음에 드는 테마를 선택합니다. 3. 지불 을 클릭 합니다. Step 2. 테마 적용하기 [...]

비공개 코멘트 작성 및 확인하기 — 2.2%

[...] 확인이 가능합니다. 비공개 코멘트 일지라도 댓글을 누구나 작성 할 수 있습니다. 비공개 코멘트 작성하기 1. 인플라이 코멘트창에 사용중인 SNS 계정으로 로그인 합니다. 2. 글을 작성후 비공개 를 채크 합니다. 비공개 코멘트를 작성한 사람(소유자)은 공개 또는 비공개된 댓글을 모두 확인 할수 있습니다. 외부 사람이 접속할 경우 이 코멘트는 비공개입니다. 라는 메시지가 출력 됩니다. (관리자) 비공개 코멘트 확인 하기 1. 대시보드 > 의견 > 목록 으로 이동합니다. 2. 비공개 코멘트를 확인 합니다. 내용의 좌물쇠 이미지가 표시된 게시글은 비공개 코멘트 입니다. (관리자) [...]

Mobile META Tags — 2.2%

[...] example values: <meta name="viewport" content="width=240, height=320, user-scalable=yes,initial-scale=2.5, maximum-scale=5.0, minimum-scale=1.0" /> This table lists the meanings and values of all supported directives of the Viewport META tag. Viewport META directive Example Value Description width width=320 width=device-width Logical width of the viewport, in pixels. The special device-width value indicates that the viewport height should be the screen width of the device. height height=480 height=device-height Logical height of the [...]

mQR setting option — 1.5%

[...] Color.FromArgb(0xRRGGBB); Color.FromArgb(0xff5fef); Or Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x5f, 0xef); you can set 2 options for size 1. maximum qr code width : for example, you set maximum qr code width = 140 px 2. [...]

ASCII — 1.5%

[...] 0000000 NULL 64 0×40 100 1000000 @ 1 0×01 001 0000001 SOH 65 0×41 101 1000001 A 2 0×02 002 0000010 STX 66 0×42 102 1000010 B 3 0×03 003 0000011 ETX 67 0×43 103 1000011 C 4 0×04 004 0000100 EOT 68 0×44 104 1000100 D 5 0×05 005 0000101 ENQ 69 0×45 105 1000101 E 6 0×06 006 0000110 ACK 70 0×46 106 1000110 F 7 0×07 007 0000111 BEL 71 0×47 107 1000111 G 8 0×08 010 0001000 BS 72 0×48 110 1001000 H 9 0×09 011 0001001 HT 73 0×49 111 1001001 I 10 0×0A 012 0001010 LF [...]

Watermarking — 1.5%

[...] watermark or noise A typical image watermarking system DCT-based watermarking Mark insertion Setp1 : 2-D DCT of the image Setp2 : Locate its K largest coefficients, , by magnitude Setp3 : Create a watermark by generating a K-element pseudo-random sequence of numbers, , taken from a Gaussian distribution. Setp4 : Setp5 : Inverse DCT of the result from step 4 Mark extraction Setp1 : 2-D [...]

(관리자) 관리자 공지하기 — 1.5%

[...] 관리자 공지 기능을 사용하면 인플라이가 부탁된 모든 페이지에 관리자 공지가 나타납니다. 주메뉴에서 공지사항 작성하기 1. 대시보드 > 관리자 공지하기 로 이동합니다. 2. 추가 를 클릭합니다. 3. 웹사이트를 선택 합니다. 4. 위치를 선택 합니다. 위치는 공지사항이 표시될 위치로 4군데 중 하나를 지정 할 수 있습니다. 5. 공지사항이 표시될 기간을 선택합니다. 6. 내용을 입력합니다.(텍스트, 이미지 등) 7. 등록 을 선택합니다. 해당 도메인에서 공지사항 작성하기 1. 대시보드 > 관리 중인 웹사이트 > 동작(편집) 으로 이동합니다. 2. [...]

QR Code — 1.5%

[...] capacity Numeric only Max. 7,089 characters Alphanumeric Max. 4,296 characters Binary (8 bits) Max. 2,953 bytes Kanji/ Kana Max. 1,817 characters Error Correction capacity Level L 7% of codewords can be restored. Level M 15% of codewords can be restored. Level Q 25% of codewords can be restored. Level H 30% of codewords can be restored. 2 [...]

ckeditor 3.2.1 updated — 1.5%

Define file app_code/HelperSubPage.cs js/board.js.ascx Config Options config option Public Properties public properties Public Methods public Methods Public Events Public events Example example

[Search Server 2010] Search Server 2010 Express 설치 — 1.5%

[...] http://stovereffect.com/2010/08/04/microsoft-search-server-2010-express-part-1-installation-101/ Microsoft Search Server 2010 Express Part 2: External Content Source http://stovereffect.com/2010/08/06/microsoft-search-server-2010-express-part-2-external-content-source/ [...]

Convert Resolution Setting — 1.5%

[...] be sure not to delete audio stream if you have already converted video for iphone you have to edit 2 files: .ism .m3u8 in .ism file you need to delete <video src=...> tag for each stream in .m3u8 you need to delete 2 [...]

Bulletin board type — 1.5%

[...] </summary> Type1_1, /// <summary> /// Type1 + URL /// </summary> Type1_2, /// <summary> /// Group selection /// </summary> Type101, Type101D, /// <summary> /// Quite strange FAQ structure, have to revise it /// </summary> Type2, Type2D, /// <summary> /// Used for QnA board with protected questions /// </summary> Type3, Type3P, /// <summary> /// Group selection / 구분(division) / -작성자(author)- /// </summary> Type4, Type4D, /// <summary> /// Group [...]

Principal component transform of multiband image — 1.5%

[...] image. (b) Green band. (c) Blue band. (d) Principal component band 1. (e) Principal component band 2. (f) Principal component band 3. Note that the red, green, and blue bands are highly correlated – they look similar ; whereas with the PCT bands most the visual information is in band 1, some in band 2 [...]

SVM – Support Vector Machines — 1.5%

[...] A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2(2), [...]

6 methods to control what and how your content appears in search engines — 1.5%

[...] a topic section). At the time of this writing, Ask does not officially support these extensions. 2. Use “noindex” page meta tags Pages can be tagged using “meta data” to indicate they should not be indexed by search engines. Simply add the following code to any page you do not want a search engine to index: <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> Keep in mind that search engines will still spider these pages on a regular basis. The continue to crawl “noindex” pages in order to check the current status of a page’s robots meta tag. <meta name="robots" [...]

Html.Table — 1.5%

[...] 비고 계 665 3. 15(월) (13:00~17:00) 3~4년차 - 장소) 170 대회의실 시 내 교육 참여 3. 16(화) (14:00~18:00) 1~2 년차 - 장소 204 소회의실 4. 13(화) (14:00~18:00) 1~4 년차 - 장소 106 회의실 4. 15(목) (14:00~18:00) 1~4 년차 - 장소 87 대회의실 4. 20(화) (14:00~18:00) 교 육 장소 13 장소 세미나실 4. 22(목) (14:00~18:00) 수 료자 교육 70 세미나실 미정 교육 15 미 정 비고 10. 15(금) (14:00~18:00) 1차 보충교육 기 본교육 불 참 자 장소 11. 17(수) (14:00~18:00) 2 차 [...]

Main Page — 1.5%

[...] 2011.12.1 Text share - MUST eXChange Service - 2011.5.12 MUST QR code generator Service - 2011.2.18 MWPC - MUST Website Print Converter - 2010.8.3 Web pages print research] - 2010.7.9 MUST Website Mobile Converter] - 2010.7.5 MUST's New search engine 뮤서치 μSearch v1.0 - 2010.6.27 MUST Website Text Converter]- 2010.6.23 Technical Document of Solution and Service 바로씨(BaroSee) - 홈페이지 첨부문서 바로보기 서비스 GogoPR - 고고피알 INPLY - 소셜댓글 서비스 인플라이 MWSF - MUST Web Site Framework MWSM - MUST Web Standard Module MWTC - MUST Website Text Converter MWMC - MUST [...]

jQuery 1.4.2 updated — 1.5%

Class Package: Defined In : Class: Subclasses: Extends: Config Options config option Public Properties public properties Public Methods public Methods Public Events Public events Example example

MUST Creative Engineering Laboratory

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